Abrhaley Tesfagergs Habte is an Eritrean refugee living in Italy. Born in 1990, he suffered the death of his father at the age of four. A year after, he lost his eyesight to a landmine explosion at the age of five. His mother then became burdened with health problems which forced his growing up with his paternal grandmother. Not quite exactly, since he spent the nine months of the year in a boarding-school while passing the remaining three months with his paternal grandmother.
Having done the best of the schooling available to him, he graduated with great distinction from Adi-Keih College of Arts and Social Sciences in Sociology and Social Work in Eritrea. He served as a social work expert in the Eritrean Ministry of Labor and Human Welfare. He also freelanced for Eritrea Profile, the national English newspaper, until he was compeled to flee his country due to the persecution he faced as a result of his faith.
After sojourning through the Sudan and staying in Ethiopia as a refugee for a number of years, he finally obtained an opportunity to relocate to Italy. During the years he spent in Ethiopia, he worked as an undocumented assistant-communication officer, research assistant and intern research analyst despite the employment barriers refugees face in the country. He also managed to get with very great distinction a bachelor degree in Political Science and International Relations from Addis Ababa University.
Abrhaley feels a lot of gratitude for the security and peace he is currently enjoying in Europe, and is striving to make the most of every opportunity and resource he has with the intension to contribute to the amelioration of the situation in his home region.
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