Secondary Lands of Tigrinyaland and Semien: Carbonic Terrain
This is the eighth installment of the geological description of Tigrinyaland and Semien, and it explores the secondary lands made up of combustible terrains.
This is the eighth installment of the geological description of Tigrinyaland and Semien, and it explores the secondary lands made up of combustible terrains.
እዚ ሻሙናይ ክፋል ስነምድራዊ ገለጻ ምድረትግርኛን ሰሜንን ኰይኑ፡ ንተቓጻሊ ቀጽዖታት ካልኣዊ መሬት ምድረትግርኛን ሰሜንን ይፍትሽ።
This is the seventh installment of the geological description of Tigrinyaland and Semien, and it discusses the transitional or intermediate lands of Tigrinyaland and Semien composed of syenite rocks.
እዚ ሻውዓይ ክፋል ስነምድራዊ ገለጻ ምድረትግርኛን ሰሜንን ኰይኑ፡ ንብኣኻውሕ ሳይነታይ ዝተፈጥሩ መሰጋገሪ ወይ ማእከላዊ መሬታት ምድረትግርኛን ሰሜንን ይድህስስ።
This is the sixth installment of the geological description of Tigrinyaland and Semien, and it continues presenting the transitional or intermediate lands of Tigrinyaland and Semien made up of phyllites and related rocks.