Tertiary Lands of Tigrinyaland and Semien
This is the thirteenth installment of the geological description of Tigrinyaland and Semien, and it examines the tertiary terrains.
This is the thirteenth installment of the geological description of Tigrinyaland and Semien, and it examines the tertiary terrains.
እዚ ጽሑፍ ንኣጸናብላ ጥምቀት ኣብ ምድረትግርኛ ብግዜ መስፍንነት ራእሲ ሚካኤል ሱሑል ኣብ ጥሪ 1770 ዝገልጽ ኢዩ።
This post describes Timqet or Feast of Baptism celebrations under the rule of Rasi Michael Suhul in the lands of the Tigrinya in January 1770.
እዚ ዓሰርተ-ሳልሳይ ክፋል ስነምድራዊ ገለጻ ምድረትግርኛን ሰሜንን ኰይኑ፡ ንሳልሳዊ መሬታት ይፍትሽ።
እዚ መዘከሪ ቃላት፡ ኣብ፣ዚ ነቑጣ መርበብ ሓበሬታ ንእንረኽቦም፡ ብፊደላት እንዳ-መ ዝፍልሙ ስነምድራውያንን ስነማዕድናውያንን ቃላት ብሕጽር ዝበለ መንገዲ ይገልጽ።