Cretaceous Terrain – Secondary Lands of Tigrinyaland and Semien
This is the twelfth installment of the geological description of Tigrinyaland and Semien, and it explores the cretaceous terrains that make up the secondary lands.
This is the twelfth installment of the geological description of Tigrinyaland and Semien, and it explores the cretaceous terrains that make up the secondary lands.
እዚ ዓሰርተ-ካልኣይ ክፋል ስነምድራዊ ገለጻ ምድረትግርኛን ሰሜንን ኰይኑ፡ ንብኩሩሻዊ ቀጽዖታት ዝቘሙ ካልኣዊ መሬታት ይድህስስ።
This is the eleventh installment of the geological description of Tigrinyaland and Semien, and it discusses the oolitic terrains that make up the secondary lands.
እዚ ዓስራይ-ቀዳማይ ክፋል ስነምድራዊ ገለጻ ምድረትግርኛን ሰሜንን ኰይኑ፡ ንብእምነእንቁላሊሓዊ ቀጽዖታት ዝተፈጥሩ ካልኣዊ መሬታት ይፍትሽ።
This is the tenth installment of the geological description of Tigrinyaland and Semien, and it explores the triassic terrains forming part of the secondary lands.